Monday, November 20, 2006

of bliss and tags

I wonder, what good is it to spend life in such a state of “ignorance”….

However, the state of bliss that I currently am in is rather delicious! To bed, and back again in a few hours is all that is there to speak of in my life now… though the sandwich remains incomplete without the appropriate fillings.

Boredom hangs around my shoulders—heavy...
and rather comforting (comfortable perhaps). It will take time to get used to life without a job, or any of my usual adrenalin pumping activities. But I sure do vouch for the fact that life is much greener on this side! Aquamarine, shab, olive, prune, ivy… the different shades of green crowd my much dried up palette, hasn’t been used in some time… I wonder, when exactly I lost the threads to the colours that they now lie in a dust heap…

Time does help heal—realize. Strange, it seems to realize for the first time in the past three years that the dimple in Varun’s chin is rather visible; or that his eyes are the perfect shade of puppy dog brown! But then again, it wasn’t until recently that I had realized that I preferred butterscotch to chocolate ice cream! Or that catching raindrops on my tongue is fun… “funner” than a lot of psychedelic pleasures…

I love the world! Its brand new… and squeaky clean! I love myself—narcissistic bitch that I always have been!! I love life… trips you and s
ure does get you dirty, but it sure does know the right places to tickle!!

Aaaand I guess, I’ll just fair to Aditya to play along… and go ahead with the tag!!

I’m thinking about: whole lotta things…but all are colour coordinated and kept in their
respective pigeon-holes!

I said: if I’ve ever been bad with you (any of you), you in all probability deserved every
bit of it!

I want to:
make an immense deal of money an
d spend it all effortlessly!

I wish:
for a genie to grant me ALL the wishes that ever escape my lips!

I miss: friends

I hear:

I wonder: Why pain?

Why poverty?
Why suffering?

Why me?

I regret: absolutely nothing that I’ve ever done!
A lot of things others have…

I am: “tongue tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit”

I dance: when drunk…

I sing:
all the time and not necessarily in tune!

I cry: when sad, when happy, when hurt, when angry… pretty often!

I’m not always: myself… willing to help or patient.

I write: good enough. Period.

I confuse: fairy tales and reality…

I need: patience… acceptability and love will a
utomatically follow.

I should try: studying… really!!!

I finish: all the ice cream in the fridge… without failing to infuriate my parents-- always!