Thursday, June 26, 2008

thus the rant ran...

i think i've had it... most of it actually.
i spend my days, like a wastrel, with nothing to do, apart from smokin pot and reading. its not good fun. when all you do is smoke pot and read.
i know, i should go out, soak up the bright brilliant cruel sun and let myself enjoy the evils summer has to offer us. but, sanity prevents me from going ahead. i much rather nurture the glutton in me, and see myself add layer after layer of fat on my body. sigh.

the past week has been a flurry of events... i went out with a beautiful creature, had lovely times, the two of us.. and even married her on facebook. on that front, life has been blissful. otherwise, i..
well... it isn't everyday that the friendly neighbourhood metro ticket guy cons you and sells you cheaper tickets and you are hauled up to a small dingy office, full of men in blue and are forced to shell out the "fine", which they reduce by half, as they take "pity" on two rather horrified young women, stuttering and stammering!! it is exactly at those times, that i thank the press and the power that it possesses! and i also thank god for letting me and divi have functional brains that allow us to come up with fictitious names and addresses in a jiffy! exciting it maybe, but for a weak heart like mine, it was rather... well... traumatising!

i think i need a holiday...

moreover, i am rather tired with the people i have to deal with on a very regular basis.. one minute they are dissing at me in public forums and in the next, they urge me to help them solve their trauma inducing problems. such hypocrisy, is not needed... at least, i can do without the bit of histrionics in my very mundane and regular life.

i want south park, with all its characters to exist in full glory. i need to go there and return to my childhood and hang out with cartman. how a child, can be such a genius is beyond my belief... and reasoning. his evilness is a by-product of pure genius, and his love for cats, a commendable act! how much i love cartman, i cannot explain in words... it's a terribly difficult thing to do... expressing my affections for what i had been... and happily still am.

oh the joys of being evil... the joys of laughing at some1's face and hating them since they belong to a completely different community. good fun... that is.

the first cartman episode actually did bring an immense amount of warm, glorious joy in my life... to know that somewhere, exists a mind, as intolerant and as gluttonous as i am.. or at least, a mind, warped enough to come up with cartman.. it's a relief!

and that reminds me, on the fateful day of the metro disaster, i discovered a few important facts of life...
in conversation with diviani, i got to know how rich old sheiks offer to buy the young pretty uns for a lot of money... which actually got me thinking... these sheiks are really old, and erections are bound to be rare... and yet they invest in these beautiful uns... and i came to the conclusion...
that they indeed invest in order to get themselves some super-pervie fun at the super-pervie parties they go to with their camels, dogs and snakes... a creepy thought and marquis de sade would have been proud of my thought process, but it is indeed a logical one... i am sure.

and then there is sex... when you get it, it's not really much thought about... but when you don't, you realize what you have been deprived of...

and travelling on to a completely different thought process, i shall now proudly declare that i, solo, have decided to quit smoking cigarettes. it is a rather boring habit... and with the inflation... corners do indeed need to be cut... especially if you fall in the large bracket of semi employed individuals, who hang their hopes on to unethical organizations, who refuse to pay them on time, and then blame them for not being serious about the work the minute the very first trace of irresponsibility is noticed. bitches, these men and women are, who exploit helpless youngsters in such manners. they should rot in hell and wake up next to saddam hussain there every morning.

thus, apart from the potty smoke (which cannot go... EVER), all things stuffed with tobacco is forsaken... this moment onwards.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


for those who haven't yet...
you MUST absolutely watch AUGUST RUSH.
beg, borrow, steal, download.... do whatever... but watch.

and since i am still facing a sever case of writer's block.. i shall myself and wait, for the trauma to pass... and for me to get back to my old "garrulous" self

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

a day in the life...

so i thought it would be fun... i mean, seriously, who ever gave much thought about what the teachers had t o do... ever. so i agreed, to fill in for a nice lill lady, at south point high school and teach.
and i tried, even though, i was to take 5 classes a day, 45 minutes each, clad in a saree.
it was fine, it was, really. till i stepped into class.
i am the class teacher of class VII e. its a shame. for them, and me too. they all end up standing outside the class and i end up fanning myself to boredom within. they r nice, as long as they stay out.
i love the way the respect my authoritah (gooo eric cartman!) esp when i kick em outta class, or when i write lovely notes to their parents! what sadistic ecstasy! what fun!!

then there is class VI, rather bovine. its so amusing to realize how amusing the entire concept of fearing the loss of housemarks is for those lill runts! its a lill depressive to realize that house marks mean more to them than irritating the teacher. that way, they dun lose housemarks. and i stay sad.

class VIII, i wonder, why young boys choose to write me poems. in no way am i pedophile. i am human and straight and numerous hindi songs in the corridors do not melt me. it scares me, it does and i despise those idiots.

how strange it is to finally know what lies beyond those hallowed walls. so, south point is the school that churns out those brilliant board toppers. hah.
with 85 students in each section and almost 8 sections per class, some are bound to be good. u know, those dictionary gulping, obsessively blinking types. you know, the ones you never paid attention to, cuz they read the dictionary for fun. yea, those... and they do top, while the rest, flail around miserably in a vast ocean of school paraphernalia, trying to string together a sentence in english that sounds remotely sane or proper. sigh.
what a school we have there, ladies and gentlemen!

and the experience?
nothing short of traumatizing!
if i thought the kiddie birthday party was scary, this sure is hell.
its worse actually, its south point high school.

and now that i am sufficiently stoned, i shall forget about the past day at the hellish school and try to convince people to watch sarkar raj.
i suffered, everyone else must as well.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

other bits and pieces.

yet another "blogmeet" happened. over beers, vodka, finger chips and (suggestive) chicken ala kiev.
i guess, following the meet, DEE, will perhaps keep safe distance from both me and onnesha, especially if we are let lose together.
its amusing to notice, how tragic life can get, to people, who remind me terribly of vulnerable cute bunnies, that is!
how "sexy naughty beechi" it is, eh? life i mean :P

aaaaaaaand moving on to a slightly saner attempt at a post, onnesha n i spent a rather long time, bonding, (thanks to dee) and it was a lot of fun.
after loitering around park hotel for an hour, we indeed discovered sights and sounds that i am sure, no1 has, so far!

but in order to know, you must pay onnesha and me 10 rs each, for every time we spill the beans, or else, it remains rather pointless. the beauty, grandeur and yet the quaint loveliness of the sight deserves much appreciation!
and since no1 else might have the brainwave to rediscover the idyllic location, we might as well be paid...

the sight apart, we also realized that perhaps, just perhaps the park hotel loos have rather well concealed surveillance cameras. tempted we were to whack the lovely napkins and also the lovely yellow lights that made even our lill "freckles" look pretty, we refrained from indulging in such acts! moreover, we also apologized, looking directly into the cameras, making our very best sad faces, for even discussing theft plans.
the park hotel people are not heartless. we were forgiven. who could resist our sad cute faces hmmm?

i think, i have smoked up enough and rambled on enough about a situation that has now managed to confuse me as well.

bbbbuuuuuuuutttttttt, all in all, it was a fun day!
with fun people, who, surprisingly are real nice too!
one of the best times i have had, in quite a while now!