Friday, October 31, 2008


there is nothing. absolutely nothing to write about.

the world indeed is a very boring place. sigh. there is absolutely NOTHING happening... not even in the little world up in between my eyes. except for bright, bright, bright colours, there is nothing i see these days... not that i am interested much....

of news about my life, apart from turning into a complete tree-hugging hippie. i have no secrets to disclose of... apart from the incomplete tattoo...
i finally did muster enough courage to go get myself inked. and got myself stoned proper too, so that i don't endure the pain.
but alas! my paranoia took over my system and an hour or a little more later, i was left stranded with something that looks vaguely like a yin-yang symbol with a little box underneath the whack 69ish yin-yang outline... bang in the middle of my back!!! woe!! the incomplete deal... it is solely for that i was unable to wear a sharee this pujo (not that it mattered much) and it is solely for i make sure i am facing my mother ALL THE TIME...
i did ask her if i could get a tattoo... and she said "no" and by then, i was half inked already!! :| i am rather silly about matters like these.
the tattoo that looked so pretty on paper is a rather vague scratch on my back! funny thing is that i get reminders to get the tattoo completed, but something, seems to hold me back!
ok! fine! i still am paranoid for the feeling of needle pinching and piercing through your skin ain't the most comfortable thing to think about. fine, i didn't rally feel much till the very end of the inking session thanks to weed and the local anesthesia cream that was very liberally applied... but yes, i keep pushing the rest of the "ordeal" further and further away... hoping some miracle will happen and i will wake up with the tattoo completed on my back... no such thing happens though... sigh!!!

and yes, i completely trust ALL those who read this post, roll their eyes and say "only you are capable of this!" for it has been well more than a month that i have half a tattoo on my back!! :P

but yes my friends, i assure you that once i do manage to get this completed, i will get 2 more done!! :D

Saturday, October 18, 2008


i like being a wastrel... i really do!
its a brilliant way of life...lazing around without having anything to do, any deadlines to meet.. now that i sit at home, enjoying my extended holiday, i have quite made up my mind to quit my job. its getting rather... well... boring in ways more than one.

its been rather long since i last blogged.. i wonder what kept me from it for such a loong, looong time!
i jus guess i was too lazy to type out coherent sentences. i guess, i still am not that coherent enough...

perhaps cuz, i really don't have much to do... apart frm eat and sleep and pamper gin..who in turn has become quite the pretty spoilt brat... takes after me.. sigh. its so touching to see my child grow so rapidly!

but, there is indeed exciting news...
THE BEST FRIEND'S back in town! after months of separation, she is back, and so is DADEE so finally, we are all a very happy family, who can actually meet up and go out together and not utilize gtalk like possessed souls!

and now, i am rather bored again... i think i shall go sleep some.

p.s.- i love arjun rampal! i LOOOOOVVEEE arjun rampal.... liek mad! someone, off my lovely bloglist, will set us up... yes?