pretty much sums me up.
spent the entire day smoking some greens from mangal singh and painting my room with poster colours.
everything's quite a colorful incomplete mess now.
should have done this years ago...
also. the promised pictures of the little wonders.
the very beautiful
*drumroll again*
the very retarded
*wild cheering*
the completely clueless
a happy family we make.
*wild cheering/drumroll/et al*
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
scribbled by loony girl at 11:22:00 AM 16 doodles
Saturday, January 03, 2009
2009 =O
i feel old already!
i feel this way every time a year ends.
i have also managed to scratch the cornea of my eye. i thought it was cat/dog hair foe two days till the doc diagnosed it for me. bloody sadist refused to prescribe any anesthetic/sleeping pill/morphine for me pain. he shall rot in hell with ants jiving in his eye. SoB. him.
also, i am the latest outcast of my neighbourhood. i abused the laundryman's kids for beating up and killing a cat who loitered happily around my place. i abused them pretty bad. in bengali. and also some hindi for histrionic effect. i wasn't too affectionate towards the cat anyway, but her mother is indeed a sweet creature with one blue eye. and another green. i feel sorry for her. would spend most of the day with her child. but child was rather selfish. i shall not wash dirty laundry of the dead now.
i think i will get her home now. she needs company. gin likes her. pyro is as stupid as ever.
life is blissful thanks to medicineman!
i shit you not when i tell you it was good shit he prescribed for me! =D
scribbled by loony girl at 10:54:00 AM 14 doodles