Sunday, October 08, 2006


MISTAKES...the eight lettered identity of our eternally spotless, unrelenting mind.....
once committed, it is rather difficult to retrace the steps responsibly counted by our very weary existence..what exactly does "to err human and to forgive divine..." mean???!!the catchline for the new breed of self-proclaimed martyrs, out there, to keep us all from sinking deeper in the flimsy filth??
i have indeed committed,but am yet to forgive...or forget..this, in all probability is due to the unnecessary independent existence of my conscience, as a separate entity, endowed with powers to breathe, live and more importantly think...torn away from my pithy existence, i have indeed lost whatever little bit of mind that remained imprisoned within me...
flying high on rooftops, (none much higher than the 5th floor though...) it is the realization of a new feelings-emotions that i never knew existed!! is the time to copulate with awake to reality, to smell the mustiness of the lanes locked up in weary corners of the imaginative mind...they rather feebly offer smelling salts to the fast asleeep practical monter within me...makin me realize.....futility...
park stret is the realm of "sins"...the hub of mistakes...the furnace of desire and pain...where demons revel under the divin psychedellic lights of attraction....
i try to thoughts, my words, my action...i stumble...i fall...
into the fiery pits of damnation...and i enjoy...every moment of it!!

1 doodles:

Zii said...

what is the point of this whine?

If life was all rosy and there were no mistakes, it would be monotonous and you wouldn't even realise what the difference between the right thing to do and a mistake is, plus there would be no joy of knowing that you are doing better.
stop your boo hoo sitting in the corner!