Friday, March 14, 2008

the past, the present and the times to come...

Life Ten years ago:
unruly, included breaking windows, climbing trees, throwing tantrums about everything and nothing, climbing out of school windows to escape class (and i fondly remember amrita biswas, my partner in crime)...
life was brilliant, i didn't know what stress was, didn't know
what it felt like to be cheated, lonely, depressed, doped...
friends were innumerable, each of us ignorant about the ideas of back stabbing, bitching, hating and making lives miserable. were devoid of any pretensions, ego hassles, all
though i don't remember much, i know it was way better then...

Life Five years ago.
was playing basket
ball... had suffer a heartbreak and was unwilling to trust anyone. spent time immersed in books, reading, writing, trying to be some1 different... don't think that worked out much.
came across a small bunch
of very firm friends...still love most of them now... for all that they have done for me, for all the times they have been patient and all the times they have cared!!
i completely erased the entire concept of homework form my mind and made my friends do it for me.
wrote for the ttis (the blessed telegraph is schools that is), proved myself to be brilliant tabloid reporter, played hard and felt blessed with life, inclusive of bulemia and all!

Life Tomorrow.
hope that my br
oken foot heals soon, will gorge on the remaining bit of ice-cream in the fridge, flip lifelessly through a coupla books.
watch a few movies, spend hours stare listlessy at the computer screen.... very mundane...

Five locations I would love to run away to.
1. delhi-straight into varun's arms
2. some beautiful moonlit beach
3. neverland
4. a galaxy far far away (for the sake of star wars)
5. dellhi again....

Five bad habits I have.
1. trustin ppl way too much

2. weed
3. biting my nails
4. switching off during conversations that don't matter to me\
no more i can think of...

Five things I will never wear.
1. fur (i completely agree with soh
ini on this one)
2. my hair with a fringe
3. kurtis and skirts
4. mehendi on my back (yuck)

5. fake gold jewellery

Five biggest joys at this moment.
1. i'm talkin to v
2. i'm at home getting to order EVERYONE around thanks to my broken foot

3. i'm getting to spend A LOT of time reading...all that i want to!
4. everybody believes in my tarot reading abilities! (everybody who has been brave enough to trust me with the cards that is!)
5. very good weed... very, very good weed!

Something to achieve by next year.
go on a trip with varun somewhere, start learning a new language, learn how ro play my guitar, cut down on, if not quit smoking... qui
te a few things actually!

Something that impacted me last year.
uh.... did something?

What will I miss about 2007.

nothing at all! it wasn't a brilliant year for me!

Five things I want to do before I die.
1.launch my own magazine
2. backpack all over india filming a funny documentary
3. build an animal shelter
4. learn to cook real exotic dishes and cook varun a 7 course exotic meal

5. watch roger waters perform live

I tag anyone who is as useless as I am right now

1 doodles:

Sam said...

nice tag.. i ain't useless so won't take it up :P