Sunday, April 13, 2008

sunday, bloody sunday!

i am obese.
i hadn't realised the dangers of sitting at home, munching on chocolates and the like for the past eight weeks. but now, i have attained the impossible. i cannot fit into clothes and nothing apart from shapeless sack like garments seem to help.
plus, i'm sure i'm suffering from some unique eating disorder... the kind that makes me crave for food 24x7! its rather amusing that now all my life is about is food, food and more food.
i crave food even when i sleep... nightmares and sweet dreams both feature, well, food on a regular basis now.
happiness and sadness is also related to food, sometimes even directly proportional...
foodie i always was, but this new obsession is far from comforting...

i'm sad.

plus, its a sunday.

in the last eight weeks that i have been under house arrest, i have grown to detest sundays. they very animatedly bring out the "psycho stalker on the run" in me.
as i huddle from one room to another, trying to sneak some nicotine in my system, i feel outraged. with shanti di, grandmom and mum finding their ways into the darkest of corners, where i seek refuge, with their noses crinkled and eyes accusing, i have realised my ability to be an amazing one legged gymnast. for eight weeks now, i have perched myself, precariously (considering the fact i have a broken foot) on window sills, balcony ledges and the like, trying to keep away from them the telltale smoke and even the "faintest" smell. their ability to detect smoke somehow gets stronger on sundays, like some sort of sadistic weekend superpower... its very unnerving. not being able to enjoy a satisfactory puff on a sunday is very, very, verrry unnerving... at the age of 21, if you can't be trusted with your decisions and vices on a sunday, its definitely sad.

so amidst of all the depression, i smell biriyani cooking (love our new cook!! :D)

and i shall be off and enjoy my other vice, it is not looked upon with much unkindness yet!

p.s.- due to lack of much activity and also because of the fact tht i love tags, a sweetheart friend of mine and i have decided to dedicate an entire blog to tags!!!

i know, we are absolute geniuses!!!!

12 doodles:

Unknown said...

i cannot imagine you obese!
stop reading bridget jones's diary and watching the god forsaken movie!
you are not bridget reincarnated in any way!
u r a very good looking woman who deserves to be as narcissistic as she wants to be!

u even have stalkers writing on your tagboard!
what more do u want? :P

Riya Das said...

hya hya...dont ya worry..i share d same feeling abt food and am happy abt it and am not obese..and yeah...think up more tags for us to do whenevr u feel this sad

Sam said...

well.... staying at home does that to you at times.. dont' worry.. you'll lose it once u start hopping arnd....

aneesh said... the leg's healing fine....what kind of fracture was it ?
On the thread of conversation...yeah, its tough to maintain on the blogger...are you prone to the vice of chatting also....then perhaps we might exchange random exclaimations.

VIDYA said...

whoa! food is fun!!! and u r NOT gona get fat.... incase u do feel u ve put on some weight then u can shed it all by excercsing once ur foot s k...

happy eating!!!
and Dont feel guilty


~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

ha!,I like ur new TLOG,nice idea though....
Yeh,I can imagine how to feels not to smoke on a Sunday.....

kyamaloom said...

Sundays have remained boring since like the beginning of forever, and rather more pissing for me when thy roomies bring on their love ladies and have fun. Grr!!

Jacked at home for 8 weeks? I've been surviving since a yr. and a half. just that there is no folks opera here. Dream!

Hail! Tag Queen. Hail!

loony girl said...

deep, stop it! idiot! kheye deye shaala kaaj nei amar pechone lagte eshechish! u dun even hav a bloody blog!

riya, i hav been lookin for tags...there shall be update very soon..jus lemme deal with the darned exams!

sam, :( i need to lose weight. im running out of sacks at an alarming rate!

annesh, plaster's finally off! so i'll be able to get back to the mundane regularity of life soon enough! n can't really say, im talkative. :(

vidya, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes food is a LOT of fun! but i hav overdone the fun, takin advantage of broken leg... n nw i shall hav to ear the burden of exercising!!
waaah! :'-(
but hell, me not guilty at all! i jus am a glutton! :P

moolah, tlog baby be a fun baby. plus it got garfield on it! i'm very pleased with mysef! :D

sutta, i REFUSE to answer to you till i see tag up on your blog! :P

Sam said...

huh?? in dat case i might lend u a few....

sarfaraz said...

the blog is really entertaining , stop worrying abt being obese, u r still far from achieving it .....

Inder said...

that sounds like a story about me... :)

loony girl said...

sam, fine! make fun of me!! i shall sit and sulk with my sacks!!

sarfaraz, the last time you saw me, it was december!! i have been home hogging for the past 2 months!!! i am OBESE!!

inder, isn't this the story of all our lives?! :)