Saturday, April 19, 2008

love? chapter 3

and they lived...

hating each other, through a torrent of emotions randomly plaguing their hearts, making them utter profanities.
hating each other and making lives miserable in manners of the perfect sadist and the perfect masochist.
hating each other, for the guts that are put on display, and the guts they long to wrench out of each other's system.
hating each other and hoping for a whiff of fresh air.
hating each other, with a vengeance.

and they lived...

just cuz they had to.

10 doodles:

What's In A Name ? said...

Seems like recipe for reconciliation...this rage.

loony girl said...

what's in a name, rage is a thing of the past now...
i think its time i started writing about uprisings in africa! :P at least, something on different lines now. m bored with the chapters! wat happened to your blogging? views on ipl? if any that is...

Unknown said...

did u make the scarlett keeling post rite aftr ths? bhalo bhalo. keep yr mind off things, vent your anger in other directions... will do u gud. shudhu shudhu ekta bhalo cheler pechone lagchilish! :P

What's In A Name ? said...

see.....u got my drift at last. Now u r thinking of writing on 'African Uprisings'. Great! What a singularly stimulating topic to write on. And yes, this discursive occupations have their own therapeutic merits you will soon discover.

And my blogging ??? It has hit dead-bottom of late.....and will soon emerge. Sems within a fortnight. Thats why! :D

loony girl said...

deep, yes, the scarlett post was written right after the resolution was embedded in my mind. like someone said "this discursive occupations have their own therapeutic merits" :D

what's in a name, i did not seem to know enough about african risings, but other topic(s) that simulated the rage, that remain sheltered in my mind, have found a way to the blog.
and yes, employing my mind and heart in other matters that remain an object of my resentment have indeed proved to be salutary for my frayed nerves, which very desperately need to be soothed as my semester exam, the final one of graduation is from the 23rd! methinks, that books need more attention than the keyboard now. thank you for reminding me about the disaster that looms ahead, larger than life.

kyamaloom said...

It should have been, "Just coz they WANTED to".

Words are on the verge to come out, but just let your curse fade out soon and the unexpected 'fucked up' phase end. :|

Sam said...

hmmm.... nad is it together?

loony girl said...

sutta, it should have been, but its not, its merely "had". its sad, i know.

sam, im too busy with exams now, bt signs indicatin truce are being noticed! :D

Living On Video said...

'cause you always manage, when you are in Love. :D

loony girl said...

living on video, i guess. n thank god u did nt tell me, "i told u!"