Saturday, April 19, 2008

scarlett keeling, what happened?

considering, all the hype that the media created about the unfortunate 15 year old... i wonder, what is happening now?

fiona mackeown, is finally satisfied with the imprisonment of only placido carvalho and samson d'souza? what happened to her screaming herself hoarse about the involvement of influential individuals?

and what is with the issuing of the "look out circular" for michael mannion, that prevents him from leaving the country? (for those who don't know who he is, he is a witness in the case)

and, what actually, has happened to carvalho and d'souza? are they in prison, have they been hanged, are they being tortured?

i can't understand what's wrong with the leading english dailies of the city of joy... don't us readers deserve updates about such things? what was the point, of creating such a hue and cry, when it was known that nothing would be done?

and, i guess, the verdict remains, that while, the indian government is trying to clean up the murkiness that now looms large over anjuna village, goa, this unfortunate incident too, gathers dust, like all the other rape cases that remain undealt with so far.

i wonder, what india's aversion is towards solving rape cases... its not very difficult. while the afghanis deal with the culprits the best, other nations too, take a stand. but what in india?
no-one, is being urged to hack off a penis yet, bt justice, should not be denied. (though, i, firmly believe rapists should be killed in the most painful way possible. i actually support the hacking off of penises. it should be implemented in india too... maybe then people will finally learn.)

in my 21 years of existence, the only rape case that saw a ray of justice, was perhaps the dhanonjoy case. bt then again, their were protestors, who fought for his rights, thinking so little about the little dead girl...

and what happens to the five odd rape stories that make it to the bloody newspapers everyday? are they taken care of? are they forgotten?

and, if the reader should know what happened, shouldn't she know the outcome too? bt then again, why blame the newspapers, with so mant rapes happening at ever nook and cranny of the country, its hard for them to keep track.

but, the scarlett keeling case disappoints me. i had hoped that we would know about the proceedings, without forgetting who she is... till of course the fateful day the rapists are either freed or killed... thats the least newspapers can do, respect the dead...

after working for eight months with a tabloid, i have decided. tabloids are a far better deal than the main paper. we publish what is outrageous. we don't attempt to make a sad incident outrageous to get readers. we are happy talking about nail polish and hair dye and dog food. and its not unjustified. what is, unjustified, are those pages, which evoke sentiments in a reader, and then leave them feeling like a gullible voyeur. unable to help, or even know further than allowed to...

i don't regret my decision of not reading newspapers anymore. i rather read the next mindless interview upen patel gives about the semi pornographic pics of him and deepika padukone. they allow me a good night's sleep.

19 doodles:

aneesh said...

Ah...welcome to the club of the weltchmercz , Miss. Truly the modern media has plumetted to hitherto unseen depths....I for my part only read the sports pages...and try to glean out any 'facts' of interest from the rest....the journos of course are in a business of providing what people want to hear , not what they need to hear....its a dangerously deceptice business ,modern journalism....and nowhere do I discern more hypocrisy....not even in politics.

Unknown said...

finally, the journalist speaks, eh? i agree with u on this one sol. news is manufactured fr publicity. don't blame u fr nt readin the papers. i don't either!

What's In A Name ? said...

Here you go!

The posts a little 'off the cuff' and I guess thats why it has that ring of genuine concern to it. And...You have actually got me thinking on the benefits of reading tabloids. good post!

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

its India,mate....
If everything worked without politics ,it wud have all been better wudnt it.
But we live in a farce world.
Its sad scarlett did not receive justice yet,inspite of all the hype
And all the hype cuz scarlett is a firang,what about the rape and murder cases which happen to our own desi women.Where does all the media hype go then???!!
Most of them,even go un-noticed!!

aneesh said...

...and as for punishment for rapists...I agree to the death penalty....but not to the concept of chopping of the organs or 'putting them to death as painfully as possible'.
The reason bieng that rape is no organised planned crime , but an act of impulse...and it is as much an act of a diseased it is of a criminal one....there is a very strong psychotic component to nearly all rapists....hence , the concept of these tortuous methonds , will not serve as a deterrent to future rapists....because , by virtue of their deranged minds , they do not consider the implications for themselves before performing the act.
Hence , all such individuals should be treated like a deadly virus of society and exterminated as efficiently and quickly as possible.

skeptic saint said...

hmmm...its really a sad state...hope it improves and the victims get justice...(if theres any for them)...

loony girl said...

aneesh, good decision. in my opinion, editorials, spots pages and tabloids are the only sections of a newspaper worth reading... and the comics too. and i disagree with your diplomatic stand about rapists being "exterminated as efficiently and quickly as possible". like i said before... they should be killed, very painfully!

deep, yes the "journalist" has finally spoken! good to know that you agree!

what's in a name, thank you, and, i keep telling everyone, read tabloids... they seriously aren't that bad. plus you don't feel cheated! u know u r abt to read trash, n remain happy with that knowledge.
and yes, the concern is genuine, so is the helplessness knowing, nothing much can be dun abt matters like these, by solitary blog posts!

moolah, tht is exactly y, i prefer tabloids to "news"papers. the politics and corruption is a matter of nausea in this country of ours!

tyger tyger burning bright, i always had a brain. buit showing it off on blogs, where every 2nd person pretends to hav a brain is very pointless. bt thank you for acknowledging my "stepping out of the closet" in blogland.

skeptic saint, and hopes like those shall forever remain dashed. hamara bharat mahan...

aneesh said...

Its not about bieng diplomatic....the point is that the whole 'painful killing' thing serves no purpose...and comes at an added expense of reources and time....if you seek that just for a purpose of deterrent to rape..then it will not serve any purpose.....your job is to cleanse society of the it quickly and efficiently.

Sam said...

well... th problem plagues not just teh city of joy, but oxford of teh east, the commercial capital, the political capital and all other cities.
once the incident happens loadsa hue n cry.. and den suddenly teh papers go quiet.. dunno what influences their decision.. but they go quiet.. and the poor reader is left wondering about teh outcome of it all.. despicable to say the least!!!
as for the way afghans deal with rape... oh i support it too!!

Harish said...

im sure plato would agree

Sameer said...

i cant agree with the capital punishment or hacking off the genitals, but yes law inforcement we have is very hypocritical.
rape and the punishment for rape is a very long discussion. i wont get into it today.
as for the scarlet case i dont know very much, but what i gathered from the little knowledge i have is that drugs are involved. and drugs means a mafia and eventually the state government officials. how else can drugs be so rampant with such ease?
last december i was visiting goa we got to meet 4 drug peddlers/pimps in one day, incedentally one at the anjuna beach too.
i believe the hush up was because it was a drugs case. drugs continue to be sold like...umm drugs. its big business and probably what goa 's tourism is thriving on right now.

loony girl said...

aneesh, i guess the added expense and waste of resources is something the govt of india can undertake... at least as far as rapists are concernd.

sam, thank you. its the only logical punishment for rape, i think.

harish, yes, make fun of an english hons student studying plato! bt seriously, plato would have! rapists would be wrong influences on his republic. long live plato!

sameer, let alone goa, drugs are available in kolkata with rampant ease. you jus need money fr it. and as the scarlett case points out, its only money tht helps people get out of or get killed in such situations. the rapidity with which the case was "solved", is rather funny though... if it didnt involve the hierarchy, would such rapidness be witnessed in india?

aneesh said...

care to tell me why emasculation is required?

kyamaloom said...

I'm too dolt to comment on it.
And you're wish has been fulfilled, GO dance!

Anonymous said...

i agree with the afghan way too, btw...
and who says u don't have a brain??
and I think instead of saying we don't need politics, we should ratehr try to change it for the better...

loony girl said...

aneesh, for the sake of showin people that rapists will be punished. they cnt undo the heinous crime they have committed, so mite as well pay for it. its perfectly logical.

sutta, u rnt too much of a dolt. just scared. dun blame u. livin in india and talkin abt ths is very futile.

inihos, i know u will agree with the afghan way. its but normal..
and dear tyger here believes that only those who sit on the ledge, pretendin to enjoy every aantel book they can get hold of, or those who show off their amazing abilities to be aantel on blogland are the ones with brains. now, who will make him realise the difference between pseudo and subtle eh?

kyamaloom said...

Rather I'd say I don't like speaking on issues I haven't done or maybe can't do anything too. :|

Sam said...

i knw... only i got more sadist method in mind.. never mind don't want to termed as insane and therat to society so shall keep my silence!!

loony girl said...

sutta, jai hind!! :P

sam, u got only one? i got a hoard of those! hav u seen "saw"? :D