Wednesday, May 28, 2008

kill the barbie, save the child!

i hate kids. i despise those little 8 yr olds and their birthday parties. terribly.
i spent the better half of last evening trying to sit through my cousin's eighth birthday. and by the end of it, i seriously wanted to run for dear life!!!

it started fine, till yet another nameless, scary 7 yr old, spilled her pepsi on her rather ugly, pink and white barbie dress, and then decided to start howling. followed by the birthday girl, who had to burst into tears cuz of course, tht former irritating child had started the game, and of course, it was her birthday, and attention had shifted to whiney pepsi spiller. and that of course, was a criminal offense. then 5 yr old lill child decided to join in the tear shedding ceremony... why? well, wen asked, she very promptly replied, "cuz every1 else is crying!"

then came the magician and the clown and the malnutritioned rabbit and the pigeon with the broken neck. straight out of a cheap gore flick. and the kids, of course hated it. one 9 yr old, was brave enough to throw crumpled balls of tissue at the magician, after which a tissue fight, of gigantic proportions erupted, and whiny pepsi spiller, was ready to spill tears again.
then the clown was tripped, and the rabbit was almost strangled and the cake attacked. small fists, diving into the disgusting pin cream was a happy sight, perhaps, because it meant i wudnt have to eat it anymore. but of course, it wasn't good news for the walls or my poor aunt.

then came the barbie fight game, basically, a lame ass game, where the kids started telling tall tales about their barbies, trying to prove to the small small world, "my barbie bestest!" and of course the tales, were far from entertaining. i mean, the entire thought of a barbie helping you pack your school bag is scary, not to mention the other scary kinds who tie braids for unsuspecting souls, and bake pink muffins and of course, the kind which helps paint stars on the ceiling of the room. and it continued, and so did the horrifying shrieks and the tears at the cake throwing and the pepsi spilling and the hair pulling and the falling down and then more whines and then the passing the pillow game and then the miniature food fight.

by the time those things had left, i was the most perfect nervous wreck. i was not only traumatized, i also spend the next to hours watching saw, trying to cleanse my mind, soul, et all. yes, indeed, saw was more comforting than those pink clad creatures!!!

yesterday, i perhaps understood why people commit suicide. i was on the verge of killing myself. but i don't really suppose me killing myself would have affected the little horrors. they would've come up with "suicide bomber barbie" and "serial killer barbie" and perhaps even "dead and decaying barbie" soon enough! so much for respecting the dead.

i hate barbies. more than those vile things, i hate wonderfully pink birthday eighth birthday parties!

31 doodles:

Saim said...

he he...seems like one hell of a bday party which had everything :D
luk @ d brighter side...atleast u can rave n rant here,spare a thought for ur poor aunt!!!

aneesh said...

Ah...positively delicious misanthropy....yeah , kids can be pests....but I find them infinitely more tolerable than adults....
...stupidity of childrn is no match for the oscar winnig performances the grown ups put on.

Mahi said...

"suicide bomber barbie"

i know! kids! they cud be so annoying at times...hard to believe tht once upon a time we wer 'kids' too:D

VIDYA said...

ahhhhh soloooo, u spilt 'rasna' on my 'Peach' frock

:( :(

sarfaraz said...

i think u shud have performed urself..... sing a lullaby for them next time , they will go to sleep n spare u from the trauma

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

shit man,rich spoilt kids are pathetic man.....
But u know....the best way to enjoy urself at a bday to laugh miserably at the crying kids....issfun!!!!

causticji said...

Kiddie b'day parties are annoying, but what u went through was an experience of a lifetime. :P

You never played with Barbies as a kid? What did u grow up on - G I Janes?!

Pri said...

u said it!!
why dont kids just grow up from the age of 2-3 to 11-12..the internediate phase is just horrible to handle! :(

Smokin Joe said...

Hahaha.. this was amazing. for me it was a long time i'd read a really funny post, other i was juggling between life and death! ;-)

I hate kids too.. hmm.. but.. i somehow (still) like those 'barbie' parties! Yup.. in spite of those tissue fights, yes!

g-man said...

aw sounds like you had a blast! maybe you should think of the time when you're going to have an 8-year old kid and have to host the birthday party.

p.s. i have all 4 saw movies, so feel free to borrow them any time :|

aneesh said... have been my blog..and you'll know what to do.

Beauty and the BEast said...

this is more horrifying than little kids on a train who insist they want to share your berth with you and want to tell you traumatizing tales from achool and list out their best friends, essentially everything but SLEEP!!

Take a break!! Go to the himalayas and recuperate.. you deserve it!

Inder said...

loony kids :)

loony girl said...

comfortably numb, well, my aunt brought it upon herself... did she not? :P

aneesh, i would like u to look over such a party and then talk about kids being tolerable. and tag, will be dun!

mahi, i am dead sure we were not this annoying! i am dead sure!!!

vidya, lol!!! :D

sarfaraz, tarpor band will hav dead singer. from zed's dead it will be she's dead!!

dee, there is only that much u can laugh. u r bound to feel traumatized, even if u r st ur stoned sadistic best! :(

rekaf, i played with barbies. but they were esentially the poor innocent vilagers who were killed in the g.i.joe cobra battles! but now that i think of it, i never did play much with dolls, stuff toys i adored and pets i played with.

pri, i soooo agree! its so hard to imagine a sweet lill thing growing up to b the perfect monster! :(

smokin joe, thanku for the former part of the comment and err about the latter part!
i guess u wont feel the same way if u need to spend HOURS with such creatures!!

g-man, u r rather sadistic! y shud i think o my 8 yr olds already!? WHY!? n i hav all 4 SAWs too. :P

loony girl said...

beauty and the beast, once a kid plantyed himself firmly on my gou's lap while he was travelling and insisted on "gelling" his hair with spit.
and yes, i am planning to go to the himalayas to meditate and cleanse my soul of all trauma!

inder, loonykids would imply nice stoned kids. these r scary kids.

g-man said...

woohoo!!! ^5

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

woooo...i love the new header!!!!

loony girl said...

g-man, your sole ambitin in life is to be sadistoc!?

dee, how come i already knew tht? :P

kyamaloom said...

Kids are nice till they remain one.

SAW must have acted as a true relief!
I empathies.


g-man said...

currently, my aim in life is to show a fake swami the middle finger. o yea, and the sadistic part :P

vanilla sky said...

"suicide bomber barbie"!

loved the template !

Saim said...

yep...i guess so but then thts wht any mom wud do even if it meant bringing upon trouble on herself!!!

Riya Das said... hostel if u havnt

as for kids..i recently watched "the omen" and "sixth sense" am SCARED of kids..noticed how many horror movies feature kids?

need to watch "baby's day out" once more to think kids are cute and harmless.

little boxes said...

it's amazing to think of the difference between our childhood and cousin celebrated her birthday at pizza hut this year,and she is all of ten!

little boxes said...

blog rolling you :)

loony girl said...

sutta, yus yus yus. have seen hopstel. and cube and hannibl holocausts! i am queen of gore!

g-man, u know a fake swami? does he smoke g? n y the middle finger? u cn let a child loose on him! tht mite wrk beter! and i shall ignore the sadistic bit!

vanilla sky, i swear they wud'v cum up with suicide bombver barbie, had the party been any longer. bt tht wud b a nice bbarbie.
u know if ther ws suicide bomber barbie, she would suicide bomb other barbies. and there wud b more of her kind, and soon there would be no more barbies..
wat a lovely thought!! :D
and thank you! :)

comfortably numb, i REFUSE to understand such sentiments yet! :P

riya, i know. and then there was child'splay. the barbies tyin hair and packin bags n bakin cakes reminded me of that!! how traumatizing! ekhon baby boo also manages to scare me.

little boxes, i know. what happened to good old chocolate cake and paper dancing and chinese whispers and chicken sandwiches and ice cream and chips. and thankfully, they were barbie free!
and thank u! :)

g-man said...

can go lookin for one :) not too hard to find i'd say. middle finger coz i hate fake swamis. besides, they might not understand any other insult in english :D

loony girl said...

g-man, best of luck to u my dear man since it seems u hav so much of time to waste!

Sam said...

you poor thing... good for me.. i never had to endure such torture!!! :D

loony girl said...

sam, wait till u hav a few such creatures of your own!!
just u wait!

Sam said...

oh yeah!! as if u won't... and trust me i can deal with the devils pretty well!! :)