Friday, May 02, 2008


this is an extremely badly clicked photograph, bt the content ws too hilarious to be missed, and with the shopkeeper glaring at me, this was the best i could manage!

i found this awesome sight, adorning a dusty corner of a teeny tiny book shop on college street. i possibly might have been allowed to take a better pic, had i not spent 20 mins abusing the poor shop owner for not knowing who j.r.r. tolkien is! :P

aaaand, you all see miss paris hilton adorning the cover of a bengali book, and those, who can't read bengali, lemme translate the title for you... "LOLITA".

34 doodles:

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

Paris hilton,rofl!!!!!!!!!!
Lolita in Bong??!!!!!
feck,man...this has got to be super hilarious!!!!

Unknown said...

give up journalism. pick up the camera and be a part of the hallowed paparazzi clan! you shall flourish there my sweet!
fuck! y is it only u, who gets to capture such ridiculous things! im serious, if u dun pick up the camera, the world mite lose out on LOTS of important sights! i saw potential in u since u wer a kid! its better l;ate than never! go for it! :D

Anonymous said...

Well I dont know how are Hilton and Lolita are connected.Do you have any idea? give it a shot ...will be fun knowing your viewpoint on this

Bone said...

erm the year youguys joined jude, the entrance exam had "lolita" as one of the shortnote options right?? thisone girl who'd written the exam and come and toldme, baba shortnote'gulo kishob shokto shokto naam'o shunini, but there was one on lolita so i wrote a lot about parineeta :P

and she said that with a complete hopeful straightface. i was like totally towtuhlly stumped!!!

Antigone said...

heh, Lolita and Hilton...i would sooner see my mugshot on a copy of Medieval Monsters ...

aneesh said... a Tolkien fan as doesn't come across too many of that breed in routine life...lestways , as I prefer to describe it...the Pre-movie Tolkien have you read the whole set ?

aneesh said...

and by the way...put up a new post on mine.

loony girl said...

moolah, i assure you, i think the same way! :P

deep, you traumatise me anymore and i sell the extremely hallowed pics of vinay n u i hav from the 1999 christmas party!

mishra, the reply to that will hav to be an entire blog entry, i don't think i would like to waste blog space on paris though!

if, i know! doesn't EVERYONE know about that? its hilarious! theres a limit to ignorance... esp when you are sitting for a j.u.d.e. entrance!
i am yet to see parineeta though! hav i missed out on much?

antigone, considering the marvels of life, your wish could jus come true! ;)

aneesh, i haven't been fortunate enough. reading the children of hurin now though.

Bone said...

erm i haven't watched it either!!

Mahi said...

lmao! that's like the weirdest sight ive ever seen!

Riya Das said...


rolling on the floor..well fact i can buy it if it costs less than 20 bucks..just to see what it contains...hehehehe...

Riya Das said...

also, somebody inform Paris that her photo has been used without any sort of permission..she ought to be paid as well :P

VIDYA said...


Actualy its is an apt pic for the cover and like all apt pics, this one should be appreciated.


sarfaraz said...

wow , if paris hilton sees this blog then ur dream of launcing a magazine will be a reality in a day , momy!!!!!! lemme find a hotline of paris hilton ...

Anonymous said...

Well you do hate Paris, i see...No comments from me on this..

Unknown said...

u dun DARE do tht! n wait till i catch u online! i shall not fling dirt in public, ding-a-ling! :D and fine, go ahead, sell pix, i ws only 15 then!

loony girl said...

if, then i am sure, we haven't missed out on much! :P

mahi, and i shall take that as a compliment and thank you! :P

riya, i dunno if its less thn 20 bucks, bt i assure u, u mite get it for a 50. though i wouldn't inflict reading lolita in bengali even on the person i despise the most! :P
and i shud b paid too, this is free publicity for paris as well!

vidya, aha! dun i hav an eye for the just things?! ;)

sarfaraz, i dun think she can help me much with my magazine... i really can't get myself to trust her literary skills. thats putting it very kindly actually!

mishra, i don't hate paris, just fing her insignificant. and at times like these entertaining! are you a paris hilton fan!?

deep, if i knew how to, i would block u, and only u, from commenting on my blog!

vanilla sky said...

god knows who does these translations!
once i had come across shakespeare in bengali and it was simply yuck!!

Anonymous said...

Why do you have to ask such a question in a public forum as this :D ? But, now that you have asked, well, I do admire a few skills that she has..

Living On Video said...


Sam said...


little boxes said...

is this for real??!!
good lord...rotfl!!
but the lady looks incomplete without her pooch
and thanks,for visiting my blog

kyamaloom said...

And your profile pic reminds me of 'Antara Mali'. Really!

Saary! :|

Pri said...

ROFL!! latest news!! parishilton going BONG!! ;p

Llama said...

That photo is classic!! :D

Saim said...

just proves tht thrs a surprise lurking in every nook n corner(dunno abt the pleasantness qoutient of this surprise though)...
btw...a bong paris may just open the doors to hilton in cal....what say fellas??? :D:D

loony girl said...

vanilla sky, you are yet to read beckett in bangla. then, u shall know what trauma is. couldnt read more than 2 pages i warn u!

mishra, thank god for night vision cam recordings eh?

living on video, u hav somethin new to laugh at! :P

sam, thats all u cud come up with?
i am disappointed!

little boxes, trust me, its real! i really pity the pooch, most of the time..n no,thank u fr visitin my blog first, i didnt realize till very recently, so im real sorry abt tht...

sutta, did some mad goat really molest u? u do seem to hate me ever since i cursed u...

pri, it sure looks tht way! lord save us poor souls! :P

poojo c, thank you so very much! :D

comfortably numb, will that hilton serve me free food and alcohol? i did discover the connection...

kyamaloom said...

Oouch!! Did it hurt? :P

Saim said...

dunno abt the food n beverages part,but it'll definitely serve oodles of free "blonde wit" :D:D

aneesh said...

how now , new posts for a while...have put up a couple.

kyamaloom said...

Thank Gawd for not horrifying me with Antara Mali. This ones cute. :P

Any you're allowed to pour out more words over this page as well. Hmph!

causticji said...

I hope you bought a copy, coz I'd like to bid for it. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Kareena weird 'dil dance maarey' get up looks similar...

loony girl said...

sutta, of course it hurt! i am pretty girl! u do not tell such bad things! and thank u for new "compliment"

comfortably numb, now isnt tht absolutely irresistible?

aneesh, really sorry. have been facing severe brain blockage. will post very soon. promise.

ibanov, sir rekaf, lend me 70 bucks and i might. i ws tolkien shopping. sowwie!

inihos, i tol u. but u of course couldn't trust me then! hmph!