Wednesday, June 11, 2008

a day in the life...

so i thought it would be fun... i mean, seriously, who ever gave much thought about what the teachers had t o do... ever. so i agreed, to fill in for a nice lill lady, at south point high school and teach.
and i tried, even though, i was to take 5 classes a day, 45 minutes each, clad in a saree.
it was fine, it was, really. till i stepped into class.
i am the class teacher of class VII e. its a shame. for them, and me too. they all end up standing outside the class and i end up fanning myself to boredom within. they r nice, as long as they stay out.
i love the way the respect my authoritah (gooo eric cartman!) esp when i kick em outta class, or when i write lovely notes to their parents! what sadistic ecstasy! what fun!!

then there is class VI, rather bovine. its so amusing to realize how amusing the entire concept of fearing the loss of housemarks is for those lill runts! its a lill depressive to realize that house marks mean more to them than irritating the teacher. that way, they dun lose housemarks. and i stay sad.

class VIII, i wonder, why young boys choose to write me poems. in no way am i pedophile. i am human and straight and numerous hindi songs in the corridors do not melt me. it scares me, it does and i despise those idiots.

how strange it is to finally know what lies beyond those hallowed walls. so, south point is the school that churns out those brilliant board toppers. hah.
with 85 students in each section and almost 8 sections per class, some are bound to be good. u know, those dictionary gulping, obsessively blinking types. you know, the ones you never paid attention to, cuz they read the dictionary for fun. yea, those... and they do top, while the rest, flail around miserably in a vast ocean of school paraphernalia, trying to string together a sentence in english that sounds remotely sane or proper. sigh.
what a school we have there, ladies and gentlemen!

and the experience?
nothing short of traumatizing!
if i thought the kiddie birthday party was scary, this sure is hell.
its worse actually, its south point high school.

and now that i am sufficiently stoned, i shall forget about the past day at the hellish school and try to convince people to watch sarkar raj.
i suffered, everyone else must as well.

32 doodles:

onnesha said...

oh fuck!
the english teacher who smoked up at night and smacked students hard in the morning for grammar goof-ups.
u are the modern day miss trunchbull!!!

little boxes said...

good lord...ota to nochhar chheleder akhra!
dont forget to mention the humdo mota guys who are forced into a pair of "half pant" everyday to school,in your next post!

dreamy said...

haha, they write you poems?!

Saim said...

nice reasoning abt their churning out toppers...correct too
post some of the poems u got :D:D

Sam said...

gosh!! how did they survive???? :P

aneesh said...

sigh....even I watched Sarkar further comments...
by the way , tag is still pending ..... and thoughts on my newer posts.

Sameer said...

a day in the life is a really nice Beatles song, though not remotely like this but nice nonetheless.
i remember school now. done everything mentioned here. even read the dictionary as entertainment.

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

hahaha,its sooo hard to imagine u as a teacher....
"a hot teacher smoking up and punishing young kids"... lol lol...
Its sooo funny!!!

g-man said...

o0o sounds like you had fun :P

"when i kick em outta class, or when i write lovely notes to their parents! what sadistic ecstasy! what fun!!" lmfao!

i wish someone would write me poetry :( scratch that! i wouldn't want rhyming insults thrown at me!

sarkar raj is that bad?

What's In A Name ? said...

you are a CLASS-TEACHER !!!???? :O

and u r not likin it ???

Isstrrraange things happen these dayz!

Get even with them naa....eazy to.

Anonymous said...

ur students are in lowe with u???
who told you to go and watch sarkar raj???

Unknown said...

"tumse milke dil ka hai jo haal kya kahein, ho gaya hai kaisa yeh kamaal kya kahen!!"
this is WAAAY too funny!! i demand tht u put pics o urself in a saree up on the next post! u absolutely HAVE to!!

VIDYA said...

:D solo is a class teacher! whoaaa.... this callls for a celebration

ps- u should put up some saree pics.. :p

March Hare said...

how? how? how?

maane, how did you end up TEACHING SOUTH POINT e?

Saim said...

i tagged u with the "8" tag....*peace*

Mahi said...

whoa, solo ma'am! put up some photos, naa...
i got reminded of the time when we dressed up as teachers last year for teacher's day and handled a bunch of third grade kids..but they were pretty tolerable...infact, they wer really nice...n each of them gave us cards saying "i love u ma'am"..

kyamaloom said...


coffee stain said...

awe puppy lowe :D
i just give anything to know what our "daak-naam" is....
and in a saree that too..... sheesh rasta te dekhle chinte parbo na.... aar tui o pakka porichoye dibi na... what a teacher eh..... role model bole na..... hic!

loony girl said...

onnesha, i feel more like matilda, tryin to evaporate on me chair.. it wud've been nice if i had brains enuf to smoke up n thn go to class!! :P

little boxes, thankfully, senior schoole oi drishyo dekha jay na! thank god thank god thank god!!!

dreamy, yes, unfortunately. sigh. life is sad. i hav been a dork magnet all my life. sigh. sigh.

comfortably numb, i know!! it so is true! now i really dun hav much regard for tht school. n trust me, u wudnt wanna read the poetry!!

sam, they did... it was painful, but they did!

aneesh, my sympathies with you! shall do all pending blog work very very soon!

samer, yes i know. i am not musically illiterate! and its not something particularly nice, reading the dictionary that is.

dee, u r the bunny! y u laughin!? :P

g-ma, watch sarkar raj, n u shall know. i refuse to give details abt tht! and the poetry is rather, well, heart breaking, it makes u wonder HOW THE FUCK ppl can mess up english grammar!! but poetic justice, injustice and the shit, am not a poet, so i dun understand how tht works!

what's in a name, isstrange it mite b, but fun it is not. i hate teaching. i hate sweaty kids. n i hate south point. u wudnt have fun either had u been in my place.

inihos, i am the best dressed and youngest teacher around.. the others look like, well, lemme keep it to meself, incase i offend ppl here..
and sarkar was nice, so i thought this 1 wud b too, how wud i know!? :(

deep, fuck off.

vidya, no celebrations at all. y do u wanna celebrate when i am facing such trauma! and i REFUSE to put up saree pics! na na na!!!

march hare, i dunno. i wish it happened in the first place.

comfortably numb again, i think i've dun tht 1, will do if i havent yet!

mahi, when you need to do it and u r not playng "dress up" its traumatising. trust me on tht one! :P
n no, u dun get to see pics o me in a saree!!!

sutta, to u too!

coffee stain, thankfully u will never know... :P and u r soo correct abt the saree, :P lets drink to tht!! hic hic hic!!

Bone said...

haha, tui pagol hoyechhish? southpoint'e keu poraate jaay?!

oboshyo it's like drivingincalcutta. once you've taught in southpoint - and survived it - you can teach and notdie anywhere in the world =D

Llama said...
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Llama said...

I think it's very cute that they write you poems. I have a friend who's a teacher, I don't think she gets any poems from the kids.

Btw... I hear you're looking for kittens? I might have some coming along in a few months. Lemme know if you want any.

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

ami bunny naa!!!!
update kor!!!

loony girl said...

wolfie, but that place has also made me make up my mind about never ever ever teaching in me entire life!!

poojo, the ppl who gave me the poems look like they've just escaped from rehabilitation center... they still gve me nightmares.. n i would love to have a kitten. I LOVE CATS!!!

dee, u dare desrespect my authoritah!!!
korbo na blog!!

sarfaraz said...

i dont blame those class 9 guys , not everyday do they get to see a sexy lady in a saree walking down their way .(most of their teachers think of themselves to be harvard grads which pathetically they r notand they are really very ugly to look at)..... feel pity for ur class students though for having to tolerate a weed master for one whole day....n really south point is a place where huge elephants wear half pants with their good for nothing moms n sumtimes dads waiting outside the school building at mandeville gardens creating a lot of traffic jams ..they r so obsessed with their children tht they forget they r making a complete fool of themselves in the process...i have seen young dads eyeing the maru girls on the other side of the roads...dnt ask me wat i was doing there ...bhalo hoyeche tumi oi jongole ar jaoni solo ....thnk god for tht !!!1

sarfaraz said...

but all the bloggers must not forget tht bagging the job at south point is really a job well done , its solo's mere eramo je she is not serious abt the job n she quit ,but none the less she has proved that its just a matter of time n we shall see her bagging her dream job once her studies are over...., chablami mere je south point er moto school e chakri pete pare shows her talent .......

loony girl said...

sarfaraz, onek hoyeche. aar beer paabe na!! :P

tyger, that is one of the reasons why i quit.. sighh

Riya Das said...
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Riya Das said...
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Riya Das said...
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Riya Das said...

experience seems to have been very bad...well thats not very teachers do not always survive there..unless they are liked by the kids somehow...dunno how d magic works..but it does with the teachers who last

as for your theory about toppers...well...
quantity doesnt ensure quality
otherwise india would have come at least second in olympics

am sorry that u hated it though..never accept jobs in places that u don't have a clue me..its scary.

Living On Video said...

Seriously? Fuck, that's one of the craziest thing anyone could do, IMHO.