Thursday, June 26, 2008

thus the rant ran...

i think i've had it... most of it actually.
i spend my days, like a wastrel, with nothing to do, apart from smokin pot and reading. its not good fun. when all you do is smoke pot and read.
i know, i should go out, soak up the bright brilliant cruel sun and let myself enjoy the evils summer has to offer us. but, sanity prevents me from going ahead. i much rather nurture the glutton in me, and see myself add layer after layer of fat on my body. sigh.

the past week has been a flurry of events... i went out with a beautiful creature, had lovely times, the two of us.. and even married her on facebook. on that front, life has been blissful. otherwise, i..
well... it isn't everyday that the friendly neighbourhood metro ticket guy cons you and sells you cheaper tickets and you are hauled up to a small dingy office, full of men in blue and are forced to shell out the "fine", which they reduce by half, as they take "pity" on two rather horrified young women, stuttering and stammering!! it is exactly at those times, that i thank the press and the power that it possesses! and i also thank god for letting me and divi have functional brains that allow us to come up with fictitious names and addresses in a jiffy! exciting it maybe, but for a weak heart like mine, it was rather... well... traumatising!

i think i need a holiday...

moreover, i am rather tired with the people i have to deal with on a very regular basis.. one minute they are dissing at me in public forums and in the next, they urge me to help them solve their trauma inducing problems. such hypocrisy, is not needed... at least, i can do without the bit of histrionics in my very mundane and regular life.

i want south park, with all its characters to exist in full glory. i need to go there and return to my childhood and hang out with cartman. how a child, can be such a genius is beyond my belief... and reasoning. his evilness is a by-product of pure genius, and his love for cats, a commendable act! how much i love cartman, i cannot explain in words... it's a terribly difficult thing to do... expressing my affections for what i had been... and happily still am.

oh the joys of being evil... the joys of laughing at some1's face and hating them since they belong to a completely different community. good fun... that is.

the first cartman episode actually did bring an immense amount of warm, glorious joy in my life... to know that somewhere, exists a mind, as intolerant and as gluttonous as i am.. or at least, a mind, warped enough to come up with cartman.. it's a relief!

and that reminds me, on the fateful day of the metro disaster, i discovered a few important facts of life...
in conversation with diviani, i got to know how rich old sheiks offer to buy the young pretty uns for a lot of money... which actually got me thinking... these sheiks are really old, and erections are bound to be rare... and yet they invest in these beautiful uns... and i came to the conclusion...
that they indeed invest in order to get themselves some super-pervie fun at the super-pervie parties they go to with their camels, dogs and snakes... a creepy thought and marquis de sade would have been proud of my thought process, but it is indeed a logical one... i am sure.

and then there is sex... when you get it, it's not really much thought about... but when you don't, you realize what you have been deprived of...

and travelling on to a completely different thought process, i shall now proudly declare that i, solo, have decided to quit smoking cigarettes. it is a rather boring habit... and with the inflation... corners do indeed need to be cut... especially if you fall in the large bracket of semi employed individuals, who hang their hopes on to unethical organizations, who refuse to pay them on time, and then blame them for not being serious about the work the minute the very first trace of irresponsibility is noticed. bitches, these men and women are, who exploit helpless youngsters in such manners. they should rot in hell and wake up next to saddam hussain there every morning.

thus, apart from the potty smoke (which cannot go... EVER), all things stuffed with tobacco is forsaken... this moment onwards.

24 doodles:

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

u cartman evil girl!!!.....I have decided to kick the habit as well!!!!....

kyamaloom said...

Stop scaring me about the goat. :|
And I do pour over other blog.
But thats pretty much shit.

Anyways, I'll read this one fully later, abhi sutta time.

But sad, that you left me (sutta). :(

g-man said...

i spend my day smoking and reading as well...its hard to get fags when you totally depend on saved up pocket money for them!

good that you've decided to quit smoking. i don't think i can

What's In A Name ? said...

from cigarettes to pot. Happy Promotion!

and 'semi-employed' ??? What happened to the South-Point teacher thing ???

Sameer said...

yeah right!

Saim said...

lots of luck 4 ur resolution...
can seriously identify wid ur lack of doing nothing much syndrome... TLOG open for others???specifically me

aneesh said...

Delicious....I sense growing nihilism....i sense disgust...i sense weltchmercz

a desire to break out of humanity's chant :

Welcome my son...welcome to the machine...
Where have you been ...its alright...we know where you've been.

In such times , does one seek escape....noisome smoke...thoughtless sex...blinding hued weed...rock n roll...and the wonder lands...

To absent friends...lost loves ...old gods..and the season of mists....and may each andeveryone of us always give the devil his due.

...Carry on...carry on...nothing really matters!!

loony girl said...

dee, CARTMAN ROCKS! sighhh... and yes.. its a good decision that we both have taken... all we need to do now is stick to it :)

sutta, u better pour over the blog i read. otherwise its goat attack time! :P

w.i.a.n., i always smoked pot... atleast for the past 4 yrs i have been.. and south point has gone for a toss. after tht post, did u think i would stick thr fr long?

sameer, yes! right!

comfortably numb, ha ha ha... cnt we all, at some point of time? and i cud add u as an author on TLOG, if wanna b a part of it tht is...

aneesh, :)

What's In A Name ? said...

patience is a forgotten virtue. sad.

:P :D

Sam said...

oh well... a good decision.. wish u luck with it... n abt dat metro thingy.. i wud've raised a riot... and made sure that the ticket who shortchanged be hauled up...

aneesh said...

Pray....What kind of a reply is a smiley supposed to represent....surely it ain't no pain to scribble a few words , the interpretation of which is infiniely more lucid than the confounding smiley!!!!

Llama said...

"I spend my days, like a wastrel, with nothing to do, apart from smokin pot and reading." -- care to swap lives with me for a week? (Though I do believe I need a holiday too).

The metro story rocks btw.

little boxes said...

that sheikh part...OMG!!
i cant believe u gave in so much of thought into it!
gives a lot of food for thought,that part :)

loony girl said...

w.i.a.n., its a virtue that does not agree with me.

sam, ah well, that was the first time something like that was happening... and it wasnt very comforting. next time, i shall follow your advice.. for sure! :P

aneesh, ah well, a smiley is not too difficult to interpret... and now, i have forgotten what that ws supposed to mean anyway... :|

poojo, i definitely wanna swap lives with you for a week! you have an amazing lot of fun!!

little boxes, i didn't actually give much though to it... i spoke rather impulsively and sent people into fits of laughter! :P

Sam said...

oh well... do dat at ur own risk.. am not responsible for any negative fallout... as murugan wud said it.. mind it!! :P

oh for teh positive ones you can treat me at citycentre!!

btw, am off to kolkata this weekend for a week!!

Inder said...

haha.. pot smoking solo... :D

Sameer said...

jinkies, you must share the secret.

sarfaraz said...

its a good thing tht u r planning to quit smoking ...koto din teke ei resolution ta setai dekhar bishoi ekhon .....

sarfaraz said...

its a good thing tht u r planning to quit smoking ...koto din teke ei resolution ta setai dekhar bishoi ekhon .....

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

I broke the habit-deal!sighhh!!

VIDYA said...

i loved this post, so have u really given up smoking???? what s te current position... ?? *grim face*

loony girl said...

sam, y wud i treat u!? isn't your responsibility to be socially helpful and treat us un-earning ones?

inder, haha it is!

sameer, no can do. the secret is too sacred to be shared.

sarfaraz, baaje chele!! jaata!

dee, shh shh shhh.. we dun talk abt resolution failures here! damn u dee!

vidya, thanks :) and i am tryin to give up smoking.. don't ask me how successful i am though! :P

Joychaser said...

I love you, I love you. Lets spend lovely non-depressing time together, which does NOT include being conned by the metro. =)

loony girl said...

varlore, yes... lets! please! i love u tonnes!!