Wednesday, July 02, 2008


shoi left. for pune. technically, she is still in town, perhaps, at howrah station, waiting for the train to budge and journey towards maharashtra, but, she still is far, from the peach walls, the reddish floors, the blue loo and the friendly banter.

i never thought i would miss her such a lot. not already at least.
its crazy, the way, every little conversation seems to be coming back to me... from class 6 onwards, when we sat next to each other for the first time... she was the pen eating cat... and me the book-eater.. childish wiles thes, and yet, i long to go back, and sit in the very last row, which comprised of those four rickety chairs and desks and giggle while some lame ass teacher taught n class.

its strange... growing up with some-one and then one fin day seeing her one last time before she boards the train for some godforsakencity!

i am not insecure... never for a moment do i feel that she will never call me up or ignore my calls, for i know, wherever we are, we shall be in touch... she had herself told me so while leaving school... and i trust those words. more than a lot of things, people and incidents.

i love shoi. it's slightly late for the realization. i love her. in a strictly non-lesbian way. i love her for all that she has confided in me, for all the wonderful times she has shared with me, for all the times she was there, rock steady and dominating, fishing me out of trouble and even threatening me with dire consequences in order to keep me safe. i love her, for helping me, through thick and thin, sticking by, even when i have been displaying my most difficult behaviour. for years and years, even at her most irritating best, she has been that happy spot in my life which has never let me down.

and finally, i love her, for all the times she has satiated my insatiable appetite when stoned. and i love her, for making me feel like a nice person, even when i have been a really mean pig!

i shall be lonely, tremendously, when i shall b sitting alone in my room, on a random summer afternoon, smoking up. for it was only a few months back that she sat there, with me and smoked and laughed. i shall be lonely when i go to salt lake, for it has been there, that i have spent a great part of the past three years, in and out of loos, in a varying states of stoned delirium, paranoia, hysteria and starvation!

i shall miss her, while making random plans with friends and colleagues. and i shall miss her every time i take a puff of the spliff...

i am selfish, incredibly, and keep hoping that by some stroke of miracle, she comes back... and stays here for good.

i know, such is not about to happen... for the next two years at least... till then, i shall see her ever so seldom, once in every four months and then bug her on various networking sites, till she comes back for yet another vacation.

thus, till november/december/whenever she comes back... she will be much missed.

15 doodles:

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...


kyamaloom said...

Aaww! :|

Sam said...

soon you'll be engrossed with your own life.. but yes.. those few days would be something you'd look forward to when you get to know she's coming to town!!
its weird... i have been on the side which travels.. so i knw what's home-coming.. perhaps it wud be a while before i really understand what it is like to wait for someone to come home...

Sam said...
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Saim said...

can so identify wid dis friend has gone off to France n i so miss dose long walks around our neighborhood talking about anything under d sun..*sighs*
btw...wud luv to be added on TLOG

little boxes said...

awww...dont worry loonie,she will be back before you know it!
p.s:i just called you loonie :P

VIDYA said...


loony girl said...

dee, i miss her!! waaaahh!!!

sutta, :(

sam, i guess u r right... bt she was quite an integral part of my life!!

comfortably numb, hug... and u shud gimme yr email id.. otherwise how on earth m i to add u onto the tlog?!

little boxes, she'll b back in november/december.. thts kinda far!! and yes i did notice you callin me loonie! i like the name.. methinks me shall put it to use elsewhere!!

vidya, :(

kyamaloom said...

Why do you think that post needs a sequel? Sequel in what context?

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘loonypages’ and others took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Saim said...

so loonily silly of me:D
completely forgot abt d email id bit
btw it

Anonymous said...


loony girl said...

sutta, u ask too many questions! goddamnit!!!

ray, thanks, i shall let u know :)

c.n., yes. rather silly of u!!

sohini, y u givin me hug? u also toh sitting miles away! hmph! aari!!! but since i love u so much, i shall thank u graciously n return ur hug!! hugsssss!!!!! muah!

Mahi said...

yeah, goodbyes are always terribly hard. but only if we part shall we meet again. im sure ul get over it soon!

Living On Video said...

I like this post.