Saturday, August 02, 2008


i have a new kitten!!!

thanks to nandini... i have a new kitten!

she is not only a beautiful creature, but incredibly well mannered too!
off all the cats i have and have ever had... she is the only one who doesn't fuss much about taking medicines. they taste really awful, but still, the sweetheart she is, doesn't fuss or scratch!
she drinks water with pleasure as well... and is perfectly potty trained too!! :-D

p.s.- she has been christened gin

8 doodles:

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...


That was hi to gin,in her language!!
mew mew!!!

Riya Das said...

hmmm..waiting for d day u'll call her crokkshanks...and pig was nice too..gin is a cute name as well

What's In A Name ? said...

'Gin', I believe, is very much a 'she' drink but very much a 'he' name. Why not 'Gennie' ?

little boxes said...

so thanks to the cat,someone's back to the blogosphere!
chhobi post koro!

Mahi said...

Oh, my special hi to Gin!

VIDYA said...

woeeyyy... my love to gin!!! and 2 u solo! uve been missing from blog world !

Living On Video said...

Can't hardly wait.

Sam said...

now u r the second one i know to ahve named her pet Gin... the first one named her dog Gin.. adn u name a cat..
wots teh world coming to?? Gin??
and then i knw another who named her dof whiskey...
i think i shud have named mine Vodka or something like dat!!