Wednesday, August 13, 2008

three cheers to catoplasty!

its a weird situation...
life really isn't that bad for me, yet, it makes me tear my hair and scream in sheer frustration.

two partitions of my hard disk crashed night before last. i have lost 12 gb of movies. 12 gb of stuff including my favourite movies, awesome music and the first 7 seasons of south park. i will sue eset nod 32 anti-virus.
i will, with my bare hands kill, KILL those ridiculous asswipes who can't do a better job at programming anti-viruses!! GAH!

and gin is unwell... :( she is extremely unwell... the lill ball of fur stays curled up in one corner of my bed, battling a horrible virus that has attacked her stomach. fine, she is a stupid kitten who consumes copious amounts of leaves and pink flowers and then poops equally copious amounts of green poop and then collapses miserably on one end of the bed...
but my heart breaks to see her in such a condition. im used to the lill creature jumping and meowing and throwing royal tantrums... to give her so many medicines one after the otherand to see her takin em all faithfully with the saddest expression in her eyes. my heart breaks into a million bits.. and i refuse to go to college or work and spend very unproductive afternoons trying to spoil her even more..

sighh... the life of a cat.. i wonder why we don't have a choice to convert ourselves into cats after extensive surgeries... roy and i both agree, if no1 else, we shall promote catoplasty to high heavens! and this is an earnest call to all the lazybones around... those who like being pampered and being showered with affection... please join together and demand the invention of catoplasty... as far as i am concerned... it is the path that leads to world peace, moksha, nirvana, et al.

aaaand i have a new job. as a pr personnel. it's pretty much a "smile and wave" routine! of course, what else could i expect out of pr.
remind me, why exactly did i take this up?

18 doodles:

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

eset abar ki anti virus...????!!! eki!!!.....How can u install an antivirus which has made u lose 7 seasons of southpark!!!!!!

Fronm moolah and the gang... "Gin,get well soon" :-)

aneesh said...

Life of a cat, eh Miss?
Consider well...would you be wanting 9 lives....isn't one painful enough?

sarfaraz said...

is gin fine now ?i hope she is .

sarfaraz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saim said...

am using eset too...this post is giving me jitters:(

happy recovery to Gin

Llama said...

I need new anti-virus too...

And 'Get well soon Gin Cat'

-- Love, from Poojo and the gang.

coffee stain said...

sigh sigh sigh..... some people/animals have all the luck

..... get well soon says me to gin

uoYYYYYYYYYYY lkjh; kauysrekmhs ;ib shajsrbh;akj yas879r13974 asdhrnf]
.......... from dice

ei dice ta na hebbi chok-baaj :P

Scribblers Inc said...

get well gin...

sCribblers Inc.

little boxes said...

i hope gin's doing good now...and use AVG.i am guessing its a tad better.
and congratulations on the new job :)

Monidipa said...

eating leaves and flowers ain't weird/stupid really. cats and dogs do that when they have an upset stomach. they can't digest greens, so it makes them throw up, cleaning out their insides in the process. ilish does the same thing.

hope gin is better by now =)

how is job?

Anonymous said...

I have removed the anti-virus from the was bugging me too much...

Anonymous said...

I have removed the anti-virus from the was bugging me too much...

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

@inihos....and that is why u have typed in your comment twice??? :-P

Sam said...

cat i dunno.. but dat kinda life.. anytime!! :D
anywyz, i hope ur cat is better now!!

loony girl said...

dee, do not remind me!
it seemed to be quite a harless lill antivirus, till the disks crashed!

aneesh, well, sighh...

sarfaraz, gin is fighting fit now! thanks fr buysin the meds fr her! :)

c.n., ah well, its nt bad... i think i jus forgot to update it or something.. i've been usin tht fr like 9 odd months now, first time somethin so weird happened!

poojo, anti-viruses are dominating our online existences now! sheesh! what's the world comin to!?

roy, thik bolechish.. sgh sigh sigh, to the life of a cat!
aar dice besh cute! i am sure gin dun mind him :P

scribblers inc, :)

little boxes, for some reason, i can't install avg on my comp. so gah!
and gin's better :)

mandy, i know tht deal, i've had like a million cats till date... bt this one keps eating flowers all the time! now she has graduated to roaches, candles and paper.
i think she's confused... she thinks she's a goat of some sort i'm sure!
and job b good! i quite like!! :D

inihos, u must have an anti-virus! mara jaabi nahole!!!

dee, besh koreche! :P

sam, so i am guessing you are all game! now group catoplasty has one more member! goody!

loony girl said...

and to all those who had wished gin a speedy recovery....

h''''''' jjjjjjjjjjjjjjhc cjdfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii7wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwklvvvvvvvklllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll9000000000bmmmmmmn mgfwsmikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc6 66666

Llama said...

Gin besh goodlooking. Marry her to D'ice. Cute kids they will have.

VIDYA said...

woeey new Pr Job :) wat bout old teacher job ???? i hope gin s better now.... ur template s coll btw