Saturday, October 18, 2008


i like being a wastrel... i really do!
its a brilliant way of life...lazing around without having anything to do, any deadlines to meet.. now that i sit at home, enjoying my extended holiday, i have quite made up my mind to quit my job. its getting rather... well... boring in ways more than one.

its been rather long since i last blogged.. i wonder what kept me from it for such a loong, looong time!
i jus guess i was too lazy to type out coherent sentences. i guess, i still am not that coherent enough...

perhaps cuz, i really don't have much to do... apart frm eat and sleep and pamper gin..who in turn has become quite the pretty spoilt brat... takes after me.. sigh. its so touching to see my child grow so rapidly!

but, there is indeed exciting news...
THE BEST FRIEND'S back in town! after months of separation, she is back, and so is DADEE so finally, we are all a very happy family, who can actually meet up and go out together and not utilize gtalk like possessed souls!

and now, i am rather bored again... i think i shall go sleep some.

p.s.- i love arjun rampal! i LOOOOOVVEEE arjun rampal.... liek mad! someone, off my lovely bloglist, will set us up... yes?

12 doodles:

exhaling smoke said...

partaaaaaaaaaaaay.... frig i can't remem most o friday....saturday shokal ta o blurrr.... i like this i miss this.... yay when where... lets partay ....

aami coffee stain :| and shutter bug... aami shob
aami out

Saim said...

yeah...well, d lad does seem to have bcum pore popular after Rock on!!!
so u hv quite some competition:D

loony girl said...

shutter bug, monday korbo PARTTTAAAAYYYYY!!! aar we wnt remember what hit us on tiesday!ki shundor plans!!

comfortably numb, nahiiiinnnn!!! rampal is mine... ONLY MINNEEE!!! :P

What's In A Name ? said...

and what about Mrs Mehr Jessia ??

Riya Das said...

check out nachh baliye :D hehe

Sam said...

oh bother.. my best pal too set her sights on him... they both hail from the same neighbourhood!!

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

yass yass yass.....we are one happy familieeeeeee!!!!....i will do the electric dance!!!

loony girl said...

WIAN, she can stay home and take care of her kids. they need her more than arjun! :P

riya, kobe hoi, kothaye hoi!?

sam, damn. i really am sorry. i have to go kill your best pal. :P

dee, no. u will not do the electric dance. u will break your back this time if you do! :P

VIDYA said...

woeey Solo! i liked arjun in om shanthi :d

post more solo :) its anyway nice to see some action on this space.

Astraeus said...

...and that is life mah dear solo.
when lust transgresses the realsm of reality and the want :)

loony girl said...

vidya, i did finally post!! :D

astraeus, but i lust for him so truly and deeply and hopelessly... get him for me... pweej!?

Living On Video said...

These are the last few days with Gin, so enjoy.