Thursday, May 07, 2009


8:35 p.m.

i have a new blog.
to keep myself occupied.

i dont know how much it will work and i really don't know whether i want it to work or not. over the past few months, life has been unbearable. there have been times when i have tried to get it to happen otherwise... but i don't know whether it can actually happen otherwise.

its unfair.
the very first post of the new blog is a rantrantrantrantrant deal. but i am barely in a mood for anything else. nothing seems to be nice. nothing makes me happy. i'm stuck in a rut that is proving to be incredibly difficult.
i don't know whether there is a way out anyway, and neither do i know whether i want a way out or not.
so all in all, i seem to be turning into all those people i had screamed at all my life. its ironic.
i need a break.
i need a life.
i need a joint.

8 doodles:

riju said...

okk yr first comment :)

stop talking like youre suicidal...

get a hobby !!

Riya Das said...

rants are good.. blogs are the right places to rant.. no problemos.. and watch scary movies and epic movie.. :D love ya

What's In A Name ? said...

what dosh did the other blog do??
new one looks phaaine tho.
rr talking of "rut" u seem to be posting for me on that. same here. hence, no posts.

Virus said...

I recommend Progressive Death, some Art Rock followed by few Grunge songs by Pearl Jam.
The reasons I think this life's worth living.

Sumit said...

pick up the guitar.
its always a welcome break.
btw, don't talk about joints. had a strong jamaican one last week, which bonked me out well n good!! will talk abt it laters...

loony girl said...

riju, screw you jew. im goin home! :P

riya, yayy!! fun idea!! i likes! :D
but i still want payesh!

wian, ah well, long story. pore bolbo time pele. now its time to love and love new blog!! and get out of rut! post post post!! :D

virus, makes sense. pearl jam i like. eddie b very hot. his voice too!

sumit, some unfortunate SOB stole my guitar! i dunno where it is now. sigh. and bring on the tales about the strong jamaican ones! we wait eagerly! :D

Kaushik Chatterji said...

what happens to me-blogus now?

loony girl said...

rekaf, it gathers dust. :)